Celal Bayar University, located in the Aegean Region and providing education since 1992, is one of the major universities in the area. It is named after Celal Bayar, the first civilian President of the Republic of Turkey and the last Prime Minister of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Notable for its academic units, the number of teaching staff and students, and its physical capacity, Manisa Celal Bayar University stands out for its social, cultural, and sports facilities. These features mark it as a dynamic, high-quality, and progressive institution of higher education.

The university offers a range of facilities including ATMs, banking services, a football field, security services, cafeterias, a canteen, stationery stores, a conference hall, a library, parking areas, student dormitories, a health center, a sports hall, free internet access, on-campus transportation, a dining hall, walking trails, and a swimming pool. Additionally, it boasts an "Accessible Campus" designed to accommodate individuals with disabilities.

    Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    571 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • 30% english

    Computer engineering

    857 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • English

    Computer engineering

    857 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • English


    857 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • English

    Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    571 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • 30% english

    Industrial Engineering

    571 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • 30% english

    Industrial Engineering

    845 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • 30% english

    the food Engineering

    571 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Civil Engineering

    571 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • 30% english

    Mechanical Engineering

    571 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • 30% english

    Mechanical Engineering

    845 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • 30% english

    metallurgy and Materials Engineering

    571 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • 30% english


    2.887 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 6 year(s)
    • Turkish

    science teacher

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Primary Mathematics Teaching

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Guidance and psychological counseling

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Classroom teaching

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Social studies teacher

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Turkish teacher

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Music Teaching

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    498 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    498 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    English Language and Literature

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    English Translation and Interpreting

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    498 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    498 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    history of art

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Turkish language and literature

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    532 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Turkish language and literature

    532 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    337 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    728 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Energy systems Engineering

    571 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Mechanical Engineering

    571 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Mechatronic Engineering

    571 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Mechatronic Engineering

    845 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Software engineering

    571 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Software engineering

    845 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    432 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    432 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    639 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    432 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    639 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Public administration

    432 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Public administration

    639 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    432 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    639 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Political science and international relations

    649 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • English

    Political science and international relations

    958 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • English

    Labor Economics and Industrial Relations

    432 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Labor Economics and Industrial Relations

    639 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • 30% arabic

    Public Relations and Promotion

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    432 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • English


    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Physical therapy and rehabilitation

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Social service

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Social service

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    432 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    432 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    432 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Coaching Training

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Physical Education and Sports Teaching

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish


    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Sports Management

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Finance and Banking

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Finance and Banking

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Evening Education
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    International Trade and Finance

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • 30% english

    Capital market

    393 USD/Annual
    • Bachelor
    • Full Time
    • 4 year(s)
    • Turkish

    Turkish Preparatory School (TÖMER)

    554 USD/Annual
    • Preparatory
    • Full Time
    • 1 year(s)
    • Turkish
  • Population 1.468.279
  • Student Count 46.813
  • Foreign Student Count 1.096
  • University Count 1
  • Library Count 3
  • Museum Count 3
  • Coastal? No
  • Train Station Available Yes
  • Airport Count 0
  • Nearest Airport Adnan Menderes Havalimanı (ABD)
  • Train Station Count 1


Manisa, located between Spil Mountain and Gediz River in Western Anatolia at an important point of transportation in the Aegean Region is an agricultural, commercial and industrial city. In Manisa, which dates back to 3000 BC, there are traces of Hittite, Phrygian, Lydian, Macedonian, Roman, Byzantine, Principalities and Ottoman Civilizations. Throughout history, Manisa, where culture and art was intense, trade routes passed through, offers cultural and natural riches and attractive holiday opportunities.


You can reach Manisa by road and railway.     

Popular Destinations

Kurşunlu Thermal Springs

Kurşunlu Thermal Springs located on the northern section of Bozdağ Mountain is a splendid and majestic area, surrounded by lush greenery, that fascinates the visitors with its clean air.