In Turkey, many public universities admit international students through the Foreign Student Exam (YÖS). However, some private universities and contracted public universities can admit students directly based on their high school diploma grades. During the application process, you first need to determine the program and university you want to choose, gather the necessary documents, and apply to the university within the specified application periods. As some universities have online application systems, it is important to carefully review the application guide of the institution you choose.

The primary language of instruction at Turkish universities is Turkish. However, many universities also offer programs in English specifically designed for international students. You can find the most current information about the language of instruction for each department and English-taught programs on our website. If you require further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you.

Turkey is known for having lower living expenses and tuition fees compared to many Western countries. The cost of living varies from city to city and according to your personal lifestyle, but as a general guideline, a budget of approximately 300-500 USD per month can be a good starting point. Tuition fees also vary depending on the university, program, and language of instruction. State universities are typically more affordable than private institutions.

To obtain a student visa for Turkey, you must apply at the nearest Turkish Consulate in your country with the acceptance letter from the university you have been admitted to. After entering the country, you will need to obtain a residence permit from the local Police Department’s Foreigners Branch. The required documents for the residence permit include your passport, student certificate, health insurance, and a certain amount of fee.

Turkey offers a wide range of job opportunities, especially in major cities and tourist areas. Students can often work part-time and seek full-time employment in their field of study after graduation, both within Turkey and globally, with support from university career services. Furthermore, foreign students are granted a certain period of work permit after graduating in Turkey, which can ease the job search process. However, learning Turkish can greatly enhance your chances of finding a job, and proficiency in English or other foreign languages is recommended to compete in the international job market.