Building Features
  • Camera System
  • 24-Hour Security
  • Kitchen
  • Gym
Room Features
  • Shower and WC
  • Study Desk
  • Unlimited Internet
  • TV and Satellite Broadcasting
  • Personal Locker
  • Laundry and Ironing Room

  • Population 277.046
  • Student Count 33.750
  • Foreign Student Count 246
  • University Count 1
  • Library Count 4
  • Museum Count 1
  • Coastal? No
  • Train Station Available No
  • Airport Count 0
  • Nearest Airport Esenboğa Havalimanı (ESB)
  • Train Station Count 0


As a city, establishment and development of Kırıkkale is quite new. However, it is known that the geographical area of Kırıkkale province is a very old settlement that goes back centuries. Kırıkkale province is located in the temperate climate zone. However, the area is far from the sea and the daily temperature difference is high due to the steppe position. For such reasons, the climate becomes continental.


You can reach Kırıkkale by road and railway. 

Popular Destinations

Sulu Cave

This cave has been brought to tourism especially in recent years and it is among the places to visit in Kırıkkale. It is a semi-artificial semi-natural cave.

Karaahmetli Natural Park

Karaahmetli Natural Park, located in Bahşılı district of Kırıkkale, was included in natural conservation area in 2009.

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